Sunday, November 15, 2009

I tried a bit more color in this step of my "study", hmmm, it was a sort of intuitive process getting to this point. Simply searching for balance of color, showing vitality and warmth shared between mother and child. Who knows if this painting ultimately works. I am trying to analyze less, and let the elusive muse guide my hand. Divorcing from the head and listening with the heart. I would love to say this is going to be a series, but, only time will tell if that will unfold. We will see...


Susie said...

As soon as I opened up your blog and saw your painting I felt the ohhh feeling when I think about when my children were little. It touched my heart. I think you definitely captured the warmth and connection between mother and child.

elk said...

such lovely faces...and the blues are as well

Sharon said...

I love it.

Anonymous said...

YES! I love it even better with the warm colors in it. It feels like the Mother Love warm is coming through. The first with the blue was a little too cool now that I compare. The warm makes it feel the warm glow of Mother. :)

linda said...

Amazing work! I think it's fantastic.

Sandy Coleman said...

This is beautiful. The colors are lovely.