Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Here Kitty, Kitty

I really enjoyed the technique I used on my last post, and so I fooled around a bit with an image of a cat. We used to have a couple of cats, but time passes, and things change. Our first beloved cat passed away after 14 wonderful years. He was such a charmer, much more of a puppy than a cat, he would come when you called him, and enjoyed being loved on and all.

Our second cat, Truman, was a bit of a fraidy cat, but she was a luv to me, and I adored her. I was very fond of her, and when we moved overseas, it was very hard to say goodbye to her as she went to her new home.

This pic reminds me of Truman, and I miss her even more when I look at it.

This is also another entry in the Art Every Day Month challenge over at Creative Everyday. I don't seem to be as good as some with posting every day on the blog, but it is fun to be thinking creatively and sharing in this supportive community. Thanks to all who have commented on my posts, I really do appreciate the feedback!


Anonymous said...

I love the black and white marks on the wood backround.

Midnitecreations - Renu said...

Your cat turned out beautifully!

Judy Hartman said...

This is so sweet. What a beautiful illustration!

Anonymous said...

Not a cat lover, but you make them so beautifully.........I can say I am a cat lover of your cats. The wood background is beautiful! Keep going. You are fun to watch! Thanks for the images in my life.